Understanding SCP, Systemctl, Logs, Volume mount and More in Simple Terms

What is SCP?

SCP stands for Secure Copy Protocol. It’s a way to transfer files between computers securely over a network. If you have files on one machine and need to move them to another, SCP is a useful tool.

Basic SCP Commands:

  1. Copy a file from your local machine to a remote machine:

     scp -i [Private-Key] [Local-File] [Username]@[Remote-Server-Address]:[Remote-Destination-Path]
    • [Private-Key] is your SSH private key for authentication.

    • [Local-File] is the file you want to transfer.

    • [Username] is your username on the remote server.

    • [Remote-Server-Address] is the address of the remote server.

    • [Remote-Destination-Path] is where you want to place the file on the remote server.

  2. Copy a file from a remote machine to your local machine:

     scp -i [Private-Key] [Username]@[Remote-Server-Address]:[Remote-File-Path] [Local-Destination]
    • [Remote-File-Path] is the file path on the remote server.

    • [Local-Destination] is where you want to save the file locally. The dot (.) means the current directory.

Some Useful Commands

Creating and Editing Files:

  1. Create an empty file:

     touch [File-Name]

    For example:

     touch myfile.txt
  2. Write text to a file:

     echo "text to write" > [File-Name]

    For example:

     echo "hello raees" > super_secret.txt

    This writes "hello raees" into the file super_secret.txt.

Managing Services with Systemctl

Systemctl is used to control and manage services on a server, such as starting, stopping, or checking the status of services.

Basic Systemctl Commands:

  1. Start a service:

     sudo systemctl start [service-name]


     sudo systemctl start docker
  2. Stop a service:

     sudo systemctl stop [service-name]


     sudo systemctl stop docker
  3. View logs for a service:

     sudo journalctl -fu [service-name].service


     sudo journalctl -fu docker.service

Understanding Logs and Searching Through Them

Logs keep track of events, errors, and other important information. You can search and analyze logs using various commands:

  1. Grep:

    • Search for lines with a specific term:

        grep [search-term] [file-name]


        grep ERROR app.log
    • Make the search case-insensitive:

        grep -i [search-term] [file-name]
    • Search recursively through directories:

        grep -r [search-term] [directory]
  2. Find:

    • Search for files by name:

        find [directory] -name [file-pattern]


        find /home/ubuntu -name "*.log"
  3. AWK:

    • Print lines containing a term:

        awk '/[search-term]/' [file-name]
    • Print specific columns:

        awk '/[search-term]/ {print $1, $2, $3, $5}' [file-name]
    • Print row numbers and specific columns:

        awk '/[search-term]/ {print NR, $5}' [file-name]
  4. Sed:

    Sed is a stream editor used for modifying files:

    • Replace text in a file and save to another file:

        sed 's/[old-text]/[new-text]/g' [input-file] > [output-file]


        sed 's/dev+1234/bank+1234/g' dev.env > prd.env

      This replaces dev+1234 with bank+1234 and saves the result in prd.env.

Adding Storage to a Server

When your server is running out of space, you can add more storage using EBS (Elastic Block Storage):

  1. Create and attach a new EBS volume to your instance.

  2. Format the new volume:

     sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf
  3. List block devices:

  4. Create a mount point:

     sudo mkdir /mnt/new_volume
  5. Mount the new volume:

     sudo mount /dev/xvdf /mnt/new_volume

Now, the new storage is ready for use!

Feel free to experiment with these commands and practices to get comfortable with managing files, services, and storage on your server.